How an Action Movie Could Save Your Life

Motivational Quotes Jan 17, 2015 No Comments

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t wake up every morning with boundless enthusiasm for my workout routine, nor do I constantly crave the clean foods that make up my diet, like chicken, sweet potatoes, and vegetables.

While I appreciate the positive impact these choices have had on my body, staying motivated and inspired to push myself every day requires some creative thinking. I am by no means a fitness superhero!

One unexpected source of inspiration that never fails to kick-start my fitness motivation is going to the movies.

You might find it surprising, considering the tempting treats that surround you when you enter a movie theater, threatening to derail your fitness goals. But let’s save that topic for another discussion.

For me, the inspiration begins even before the movie starts, during the previews.

There’s something about a well-crafted preview for an action-packed film that makes me want to leap out of my comfortable cinema seat and start doing a set of Shaun T pushup-jacks!

The dramatic voiceover, the pulsating music, the rapid-fire cuts of people running, fighting, and saving the world from imminent destruction—they all instantly raise my heart rate. They make me aspire to become a real-life Jason Bourne when I grow up!

I’m consistently amazed by the actors who undergo incredible body transformations for their action roles.

Their dedication reminds me of what’s possible when you devote yourself entirely to a goal. If they can do it, so can I… and so can you!

Of course, it’s easy to say, but it’s worth noting that they have access to world-class personal trainers and meticulously designed meal plans.

However, if you choose to, you too can have access to similar resources.

By the time the previews wrap up (or at least it feels like they’ve been going on for an hour), I’m filled with excitement about getting back to my next workout, and any temptation for a giant tub of popcorn has vanished. Then the movie begins.

Recently, my wife Kelly and I decided to catch an early morning screening of The Hunger Games, even though it had been out for a while.

We wanted to experience the hype ourselves. This futuristic film depicts a world where young individuals battle to the death for the sake of their respective districts (though it may sound gruesome, it’s surprisingly uplifting).

As the movie progressed, we witnessed the chosen youngsters training rigorously for their impending fight. A well-executed training montage always provides an extra jolt of motivation.

But what truly struck me was when the battle began. Twenty-four adolescents stood in a circle, awaiting the game to commence, knowing that they had to kill or be killed in order to survive.

As the intense struggle unfolded, with people literally running for their lives, employing survival skills, and climbing trees, my mind naturally veered towards fitness.

I couldn’t help but think, “Wow, these kids better be in shape, or they’d be goners by now!” Thank goodness we don’t live in a society where our physical condition determines our chances of survival.

Then, like a lightning bolt, it hit me.

What if, in a time of crisis, our current physical condition did determine whether we lived or died?

In an instant, my thoughts transported me back to 2005, sitting in a hotel room with my in-laws who had evacuated to Dallas from New Orleans.

We watched in horror as Hurricane Katrina ravaged their beloved city. Among the countless images etched into my mind were those of people in dire physical condition, helpless and trapped.

They were unable to fend for themselves and entirely dependent on others for their survival.

I’m not suggesting that all the fit individuals in New Orleans survived while the less fit did not, but I firmly believe that in the face of a catastrophic event, being in decent physical shape can only increase one’s chances of survival and the ability to rescue loved ones.

Let’s be honest, living in the United States doesn’t shield us from unforeseen dangers. Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the San Diego Fires—these are just a few examples from a long list.

I’m not trying to be pessimistic, but that brief moment of reflection during my movie-watching experience reminded me of yet another reason why it’s crucial for us to take care of our bodies, the vessels bestowed upon us by a higher power.

By doing so, we not only enhance our chances of survival during times of tragedy but also position ourselves to be of service to those who need us the most.

So, keep this in mind during your next workout—how will it affect your level of motivation and mindset?

And if you want to eliminate the guesswork from maintaining a healthy diet, consider this:

Take the guesswork out of eating healthy by embracing a well-planned and structured approach.

Instead of relying on willpower alone, equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to make informed choices.

By doing so, you can fuel your body with the nutrients it needs while staying on track with your fitness goals.

One way to achieve this is by seeking professional guidance. Just like those world-class personal trainers and meal plans that actors have access to, you too can benefit from expert advice.

Consider consulting a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can create a customized meal plan tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

They can help you navigate through the abundance of information out there and provide you with evidence-based recommendations.

Additionally, take advantage of technology and apps that can simplify and streamline your healthy eating journey.

From meal planning apps that offer recipe suggestions and grocery lists to calorie tracking apps that help you monitor your intake, these tools can be invaluable in maintaining a balanced diet.

They provide convenience and organization, making it easier for you to stay on top of your nutritional goals.

Another way to make eating healthy a breeze is by meal prepping. Set aside some time each week to prepare and portion out your meals in advance.

This not only saves you time and energy during busy days but also ensures that you have nutritious options readily available.

By having healthy meals and snacks at your fingertips, you’ll be less likely to succumb to unhealthy temptations when hunger strikes.

Remember, eating well is not about deprivation or following strict rules. It’s about nourishing your body, supporting your fitness endeavors, and enjoying a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition.

Find foods that you genuinely enjoy and that align with your goals. Experiment with flavors, explore new recipes, and embrace a variety of nutrient-dense ingredients.

As you continue on your fitness journey, keep in mind that motivation can come from unexpected sources.

Whether it’s the excitement sparked by a thrilling movie preview or the realization that being physically fit can have real-life implications during times of crisis, let these moments fuel your determination to take care of your body and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

So, next time you hit the gym or prepare a wholesome meal, remember the power of your choices.

Stay committed, stay inspired, and take pride in nurturing the incredible vessel that is your body.

You have the ability to shape your own destiny, and by prioritizing your health and well-being, you’re equipping yourself with the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges may come your way.


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