HIIT Cardio Vs Fartlek Training

Fitness Jan 17, 2015 No Comments

In recent times, a fitness revolution has taken hold across gymnasiums in Europe and North America, captivating the hearts of fitness enthusiasts everywhere.

Its name is HIIT cardio, and it has become the talk of the town for one simple reason—it delivers remarkable results in record time.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is not a novel concept, particularly among athletes and runners who have long recognized its benefits.

For years, runners have embraced the “speed play” approach known as Fartlek training, originating from the Swedish term.

This dynamic method of fitness training has proven to be more effective in burning fat compared to steady-paced running.

By blending slow-paced running with bursts of high-intensity intervals, such as jogging the length of a football pitch, sprinting its width, and repeating the process, Fartlek training challenges the body and maximizes fat burn.

While Fartlek training remains an excellent physical training technique, the emergence of the Tabatha protocol in HIIT opened new possibilities for condensing workouts without compromising their effectiveness.

Initially met with skepticism due to its seemingly unbelievable claims, the Tabatha protocol gained traction despite its mere four-minute duration.

Although the eight demanding circuits comprising the Tabatha method are undeniably challenging, athletes sometimes feel as though they’ve cheated themselves after completing a workout in just four minutes.

To counteract this feeling, bodybuilders have ingeniously integrated a four-minute HIIT session before and after their regular routines.

This approach has become a favorite way to incorporate HIIT without any sense of cheating.

The Tabatha protocol is suitable for anyone who chooses to adopt it. It’s crucial to remember that the time spent in the gym does not directly correlate with the results achieved.

As the famous saying goes, “You can train hard or you can train long, but you can’t do both.”

An enlightening example of this principle lies in comparing the traditional one-hour treadmill session performed at a steady pace solely for fat burning with the immensely popular 30 sets in 20 minutes Kettlebell Workouts.

Studies consistently reveal that participants not only burn more calories during the shorter activity period but also exhibit greater muscular definition, reduced body fat, and significantly enhanced fitness levels.

This stands as a testament to the advantages of training intensely for shorter durations.

In the realm of boxing, stories of fighters succumbing to overtraining and feeling drained on the night of their big bouts are unfortunately not uncommon.

Consider the case of Amir Khan, who initially prepared for a fight that was ultimately canceled due to his opponent’s ban for illicit substances.

Khan’s subsequent defeat in just four rounds, a few months after his supposed peak for a fight that never materialized, led many pundits and coaches worldwide to attribute his loss to overtraining.

However, outspoken figures like Chris Eubank Sr. argue that overtraining is a myth and that the real concern is reaching a state of staleness during training.

While this viewpoint may hold true for boxers, scientific evidence abounds in bodybuilding, illustrating how overtraining can halt progress altogether.

Numerous studies consistently demonstrate that overtraining hinders bicep development, causing the muscle to shut down, preventing growth and repair.

Moreover, overcoming training plateaus, those stages where progress comes to a standstill, often necessitates taking a week-long break from the gym to allow muscles and joints to fully recover.

Remarkably, after this hiatus, individuals frequently find themselves capable of lifting more weight than they could one week prior when they were struggling with a particular load.

HIIT training appears to provide answers to many, if not all, of the challenges associated with physical training.

It keeps both body and mind fresh, combats injury and overtraining risks, serves as an exceptional fat burner, and significantly enhances overall physical fitness.

Embrace the HIIT revolution, and unlock the power of efficient and effective workouts for a healthier, stronger you.


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