Clever Ways to Trick Yourself Into Exercising

Motivational Quotes Dec 29, 2014 No Comments

Feeling fatigued and lacking the drive to engage in exercising? Are you dissatisfied with the reflection in your mirror?

If you’re seeking fitness motivation tips to kickstart your exercising routine even when you’re not inclined to do so, then this article is tailor-made for you.

However, rather than berating or fussing, let’s explore five clever and straightforward techniques that can effectively deceive yourself into engaging in exercising, even if it’s as simple as walking to the kitchen (yes, really)!

1. Harness the Power of YouTube

Head over to and enter one of the following search terms: “pre-workout motivation” for men or “female fitness motivation” for women.

Select at least two relevant videos from the search results. After watching these motivational clips, observe the surge of determination that wells up within you, compelling you to enhance your physique through exercising.

2. Turn TV Time into Productive Time

Do you enjoy watching television? Don’t worry, I’m not here to brand you a couch potato or criticize your leisurely pursuits.

Instead, let’s transform your downtime into a productive opportunity for improving your body through exercising.

During each commercial break while watching TV shows or every ten minutes during a movie, rise from your seat and perform two sets of bodyweight exercises, completing five repetitions each.

For instance, you might try five jumping jacks followed by five push-ups.

To keep it exciting, mix it up each time with variations like burpees, mountain climbers, lunges, squats, or even jogging in place.

Consider this: Suppose you watch three one-hour TV shows throughout the day, with an average of five commercial breaks per show.

That would amount to a total of 15 commercial breaks across the three shows.

Now, imagine committing to those five jumping jacks and five push-ups during each break.

By the end of the day, you will have accomplished an impressive tally of 75 jumping jacks and 75 push-ups through exercising!

3. Embrace Home Workouts

Gym-phobic? Fear not! You can achieve an incredible physique by working out at home.

Bodyweight exercises require minimal or no equipment at all. To kickstart your home exercising routine, focus on making the initiation process as effortless as possible.

Out of all the fitness motivation tips, this one stands out as crucial because starting a workout is often where motivation falters.

On the other hand, once we’re engaged, we generally find it easier to sustain and complete the workout.

To facilitate this, ensure you have sufficient space dedicated to exercising.

Set up your workout area in advance, making sure all necessary equipment or none at all is readily available.

4. Unleash the Power of Music

Tap into the invigorating potential of your favorite energizing tunes!

Certain songs can induce an adrenaline rush, providing a surge of energy, and what better way to channel that vitality than through exercising?

I strongly encourage you to curate a playlist featuring your most uplifting and motivating songs.

Play this music when you’re not inclined to exercise, and observe the transformative effect it has on your motivation for exercising.

Of course, continue playing this music during your workouts to sustain your enthusiasm and drive.

5. Choose Your Words Wisely

The language we use can significantly impact our mindset. Instead of saying, “I have to exercise today,” switch it around and affirmatively declare, “I am going to exercise today.”

By reframing your thoughts, you transform exercising from a burdensome task into an integral part of your daily routine.

This simple shift in perspective can work wonders for maintaining consistency and banishing excuses.

If you’re seeking effortless fitness motivation tips to escape the cycle of excuses and missed workouts, I highly recommend experimenting with these five techniques.

They have proven highly effective for me, to the point where I feel genuinely disappointed if I ever come close to missing a workout.

Give them a try, and witness the positive changes they can bring to your exercising journey!


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