Fitness Motivation – Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do

Motivational Quotes Dec 18, 2014 No Comments

As my family and I delved into the captivating series LOST, my son cryptically hinted that there was a character who resembled me in more ways than one.

Determined to uncover the mystery, I embarked on a mission to identify this enigmatic persona.

It didn’t take long for me to connect the dots and realize that I shared an uncanny resemblance to John Locke, not just in physical traits but also in our shared conviction: the belief that no one should confine our capabilities.

What impedes your progress?

As the years pass, it seems that the list of things we deem impossible or choose not to attempt grows longer.

But should we truly accept these limitations? Personally, I believe that such restrictions stem from either mental or physical barriers, and more often than not, we impose them upon ourselves.

As the saying goes, we can become our own worst adversaries.

Therefore, it is imperative to reflect on what holds us back. In my case, it is chronic headaches that have plagued me—a milder manifestation of migraines.

Over the years, I have consulted medical professionals and chiropractors, enduring periods of respite alongside bouts of persistent agony.

These excruciating episodes can be debilitating, imposing severe restrictions on my daily activities and well-being.

How have you defied your limits?

Yet, despite these impediments, it is crucial to acknowledge the instances when we have pushed beyond our perceived boundaries.

Take a moment to recollect those decisions where you accomplished something others might have deemed impossible or unwise.

The Power of Exercise

Recently, I stumbled upon an enlightening post by Trevor Poling from Gold’s Gym Colorado Springs, discussing the transformative influence of exercise.

Trevor shared how injuries had once hindered his physical activity. However, his journey into fitness led to a remarkable conversation with his doctor.

To my astonishment and delight, the doctor remarked, “If you continue doing that, you can go back to all of the things I previously told you not to do.”

Aha! The realization struck that weight training held incredible potential.

This revelation occurred in 1974—nearly 37 years ago! Since then, I have remained committed to fitness, unable to fathom a life devoid of its benefits.

This remarkable quote serves as a testament to the profound impact exercise can have.

Personally, I have discovered that regular physical activity aids in alleviating and preventing my headaches.

Whether it be injuries, lack of fitness, or persistent pain, exercise often proves to be a formidable antidote.

Embrace the John Locke Mentality

So, let us adopt the unwavering spirit of John Locke and boldly proclaim, “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.”

By transcending both mental and physical constraints, we can push beyond our perceived limits.

Remember, the power to defy limitations lies within us, waiting to be unleashed.


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