Achieving Proper Fitness

Fitness Mar 20, 2015 No Comments

Evaluating your fitness level is the easiest way to assess exactly how healthy your body is and determine your physical abilities, leading you towards proper fitness.

Before beginning an exercise regimen, it is important to understand exactly how fit you are to ensure you proceed in the right direction.

The First Step: Assessing Your Weight

Like it or not, stepping on a scale is necessary to determine exactly how much you weigh.

However, it’s crucial to remember that the final number displayed on the scale will never be as important as your overall health in achieving proper fitness.

The numbers pertaining to your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and triglycerides are significantly more important indicators.

These numbers provide valuable insight into your current state and guide your path towards proper fitness.

Determining BMI: A Measure of Body Composition

Your BMI number, or body mass index, is a key factor that relates to your body composition and plays a vital role in achieving proper fitness.

It provides an instant assessment of your health and fitness levels. Determine your current BMI number and compare it to the ideal range, noting it down to serve as a constant reminder in your journey towards proper fitness.

Targeted Heart Rate: Maximizing Workouts

To maximize the effectiveness of your workouts and ensure proper fitness, you need to maintain a specific target heart rate based on your age, height, and gender.

Start by determining your resting heart rate, which can be measured by finding your pulse on the wrist or neck and counting for 15 seconds.

Multiply this number by four to determine your actual heart rate per minute.

Calculate 220 minus your age to determine your maximum heart rate.

Then, multiply this number by 60% and 85% to identify the range of your targeted heart rate during exercise.

Staying within this range will help you achieve proper fitness and optimize your workout routine.

Aerobic Fitness: Evaluating Endurance

Assessing your aerobic fitness is a simple yet effective way to measure your endurance.

Walk a mile and track the time it takes to complete the distance, while also monitoring your heart rate in the middle and at the end of the walk.

These recorded results are valuable indicators of your progress towards proper fitness.

Muscular Fitness: Strength and Endurance

Determining the fitness of your muscles is essential for achieving proper fitness.

Measure your maximum capacity for pull-ups and push-ups, noting down the numbers you achieve.

Pull-ups tend to be more challenging than push-ups, but both exercises provide valuable insights into your muscle strength and endurance, crucial aspects of proper fitness.

Journaling Your Results: Tracking Progress

Keeping a fitness journal allows you to test and retest yourself throughout your physical program, enabling you to track your progress towards proper fitness.

As your fitness levels improve over time, you’ll stay better motivated by witnessing the positive changes in your numbers, indicating that you are reaching your fitness goals and achieving proper fitness.

By incorporating these comprehensive steps and consistently evaluating your fitness, you’ll be on the right path towards achieving proper fitness and a healthier, stronger body.

Remember, proper fitness is a continuous journey, and with each assessment, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your body’s health and abilities, leading you towards a life of vitality and well-being.


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